Sorry it took me so long to get this finally posted- our house has been a factory of sickness for a week now!
Anyway, we had so much fun revealing the Challenge #3 pieces at the last meeting (pictures shown on the Challenge #3 page) and getting a glimpse of of what our favorite movies, songs and books are! From Cindy's "Monster Mash" to Bev's "Fixing a Hole" by the Beatles, and Charlotte's "Morning", the stories behind each piece were inspiring and humorous to hear.
We also attended to some actual business in the subject of Bylaws. We reviewed several other Guilds established Bylaws and we will be posting our own shortly.
Another subject that was discussed was the next challenge! This one will be a Solid Fabric Challenge in keeping with the Modern Quilt definition. The rules are posted on the Challenge #4 Page and will be emailed to each Guild member. This Challenge will be due at the November Meeting on Nov 20, 2012.
We also agreed that there will not be a meeting in December due to it being so close to Christmas. The next meeting after the November Meeting will be on January 15, 2013.
Until next time, thanks everyone!
Guild Secretary